The Global Sustainable Tourism Council® (GSTC) establishes and manages global standards for sustainable travel and tourism, known as the GSTC Criteria. There are two sets: Destination Criteria for public policy-makers and destination managers, and Industry Criteria for hotels and tour operators. They are the result of a worldwide effort to develop a common language about sustainability in tourism. They are arranged in four pillars: (A) Sustainable management; (B) Socioeconomic impacts; (C) Cultural impacts; and (D) Environmental impacts. Since tourism destinations each have their own culture, environment, customs, and laws, the Criteria are designed to be adapted to local conditions and supplemented by additional criteria for the specific location and activity.
About GSTC https://www.gstcouncil.org/about/
GSTC Criteria overview https://www.gstcouncil.org/gstc-criteria/
GSTC Industry Criteria https://www.gstcouncil.org/gstc-criteria/gstc-industry-criteria/
Becoming Certified as a Sustainable hotel / Accommodation https://www.gstcouncil.org/certification/become-certified-hotel/
Training https://www.gstcouncil.org/sustainable-tourism-training/
Contact GSTC https://www.gstcouncil.org/contact-us/
GSTC News https://www.gstcouncil.org/topics/news/