Outside Promotional Contact Application

Updated: 11.09.2023

"OPC representative" means an individual who is employed or otherwise engaged by the marketing company to act as its representative in the making of outside promotional contacts as part of a communications campaign to attract prospective buyers.


An application can be filed online by following the link:



Applicable Laws (Rights and Obligations)

Chapter 409- Travel and Tourism Services Act- https://legislation.mt/eli/cap/409/eng

Subsidiary Legislation 409.16- Timeshare and timeshare-like products Promotion (licensing of OPC Representatives) regulations- https://legislation.mt/eli/sl/409.16/eng  

Documents needed with application

  • Scanned copy of ID Card of Applicant Licensee (Individual or Official Representative);
  • Recent Police Conduct of Applicant Licensee (Individual or Official Representative);
  • A certificate or attestation drawn up by the marketing company that shall be employing or otherwise engaging the OPC representative, certifying that the person is competent to act as an OPC representative and that the said person has an acceptable educational background
  • A certificate or attestation of acquired knowledge following appropriate training of not less than ten hours in the carrying out of duties which are normally carried out by an OPC representative in an ethical and respectful manner towards potential consumers of time share and timeshare like products; and in the regulatory framework governing this activity, including these regulations and any other law, particularly those concerning consumer rights in general and as may be specific to the promotion and selling of timeshare and timeshare-like products;
  • A written declaration signed by the applicant OPC representative committing to perform his duties in a proper and ethical manner; to abide by the provisions of these regulations and any other law, particularly those concerning consumer rights in general and as may be specific to the promotion and selling of timeshare and timeshare like products; to adhere to the conditions of his licence and to accept the fines and penalties indicated in these regulations:
  • A declaration by the licensee of the Marketing Company that the prospective OPC will be engaged only to promote resorts and timeshare like products of the marketing company submitting the application.
  • The marketing company shall deposit a bond in favour of the Authority for the amount of two thousand five hundred Euros (€ 2,500.00) for every OPC representative.
  • An official Employment history from a Government Body (such as Jobsplus) and/or academic qualifications/CV 



See Subsidiary Legislation 409.05



  1. Submission of application: 0
  2. Vetting of application: 5 days
    • Applicant will need to submit documents based on the specific application following initial vetting process: The amount of time in this period depends on the applicant and the time taken by the applicant to provide such docs.
  3. Inspection/Assessment:
    • In such step, once again, the timeline is dependent on the applicant whether the standards are provided or not at the establishment. In the case that standards are not met then the applicant is asked to rectify, and process is paused.
  4. Approval: 10 Days


Incomplete Application Forms

In the case of an incomplete application form, the Authority shall, without delay, inform the applicant of the need to supply any additional information or documentation, or of the need to conduct any interviews or inspection.
Nonetheless, when the Authority has not determined whether to issue a licence to an applicant, within the periods mentioned above, such applicant shall not be deemed, for all intents and purposes of law, to be licensed.


Means of Redress or Appeal

Any person who feels aggrieved by a decision of the Authority, as provided in article 14(1) of Chapter 409- Travel and Tourism Services Act, may appeal to the Tourism Appeals Board, on payment of the prescribed fee (applicable fees as per Legal Notice 409.05), within fifteen (15) days from the date the decision on which the appeal is entered is communicated to the person concerned. Tourism Appeals Board contacts and information can be found on https://www.tourismappealsboard.com/


Department ResponsibleMTA Licensing Department

Contact Persons:       

General Enquiries -
Tel: 22915000
Email: licencing.mta@visitmalta.com   


Authority: Malta Tourism Authority